Together Encountering Christ (TEC)
Thank you so much for your work on the TEC Encounter Auction last July. Your Expertise was responsible for our most successful and fun auction in the past 25 years it has been in existence. Your positive personality and care for people’s sense of fairness and feelings were most appreciated.
Mary Kay Marzano
Assumption Community Assisted Living Facility
Black Diamond Benefits energized and entertained our guests encouraging them to support Assumption Community. We took a risk doing a live auction instead of a silent auction. Our staff was cheering and smiling at the number of bids received during our "Fund-A Need". With Mike, we were able to hit 150% of our Harvest Moon goal.
Jenny Theis
Development and Marketing Director
Cathedral High School
Last year around this time, I was contacted by Michael Imholte about the opportunity of having Black Diamond Benefits partner with us at our gala fundraising event for Cathedral High School. We had gone away from the live auction at the event because previous years had not been very successful and the actual auction itself was a bit “painful” as we listened to crickets and prayed for some “charity” bids. I was open to the idea and we signed on with Michael and his company.
“The live auction FAR EXCEEDED our expectations and past year results!”
The advice and direction that we received prior to the event was very helpful. They suggested what types of items to have on a live auction and also advised us on the “right” number. For us, as a school, the experience type items were strongly encouraged. Also, Michael and Andrew, his brother and associate, we very instrumental in helping us to change our Fund A Need in a way that they felt we would have more success. I felt very comfortable taking the advise of these two experts in the field and we went with what they suggested.
Jumping ahead to our event, it went amazingly! The live auction FAR EXCEEDED our expectations and past year results! Also, the experience that people had while participating in the event was amazing! There was laughter and excitement
throughout the crowd, it was such a change from previous years.
The professional way that Michael conducted himself was so much appreciated and I have had so many compliments from attendees on what a fantastic job that he did. Our Fund A Need exceeded our goals and I am so thankful that we took the advise of changing up the process—I believe that is the main reason why we did exceed our goals.
We will work with Black Diamond and Michael again this coming year…I couldn’t be happier with the overall experience. They truly care about the organizations they work with and that comes through at the event.
Thank you,
Laurie Keene
Director of Development, Cathedral High School
Quiet Oaks Hospice
Quiet Oaks has been blessed over the years to work with the Imholte family in many capacities. We know they care about their clients and want to give them the very best.
They are willing to meet with and cater to the organizations they serve- ensuring the biggest return on an investment. It is exciting the amount of energy that can be created around a well-run live auction and finding ways to energize donors when raising money for a particular cause is what Black Diamond Benefit does best.”
Linda Allen
Executive Director, Quiet Oaks Hospice